Jimmy James, OAM
Jimmy James was born in the hot spinifex desert of Central Australia, at his father’s waterhole, west of Ernabella. He…
Jonas Vanagas
Jonas Vanagas lived in Lobethal after migrating from Europe after the Second World War. He and his family settled in…
Koreans in South Australia
Most Korean South Australians are from the Republic of Korea (known as South Korea). They first began arriving in South…
Lady Constance Jean Bonython
Lady Constance Jean Bonython was the Mayoress of the City of Adelaide in 1913 and the Lady Mayoress 1927-1930. The…
Laotians in South Australia
The first large scale arrival of Laotians in Australia was in 1976. Only a few made their way to South…
League of Women Voters
The League of Women Voters (so named from 1939), earlier entitled the Women’s Non-Party Political Association, was established in South…
Lithuanian House
Lithuanian house is a meeting place and cultural centre established by the Lithuanian community in Adelaide.
Milpara Migrant Hostel
Milpara provided a place to stay while migrants waited for their new homes to be ready.