HomeCollectionsHistorical Relics Collection

This collection covers a broad range of subjects including: early migrants in South Australia, the HMS Buffalo, surveying, the foundation of Adelaide, colonial government, exploration, mining, industry, early military history, royal memorabilia, numismatics and weapons. The collection features significant objects such as Light’s plan of Adelaide, the Stanhope Press (the first printing press in South Australia) and the Tinline Salver, among many other state treasures.


The Historical Relics Collection is one of the most extensive collections of artefacts from the early years of the British colony of South Australia. It provides an invaluable record of early settlers, explorers and the colonial government. The collection is reported to have started in 1836 in connection to the formation of the South Australian Company in England. First archival documents and then ‘relics’ were donated to Mechanical Institutes and other organisations which then formed the South Australian Institute. The collection was retained by the Boards of the Public Library, Museum and Art Gallery until 1940 when it was moved to the Art Gallery as it became a separate institution. It was at that time that a register was compiled and the collection was first referred to as the ‘Historical Relics’. The collection was transferred from the Art Gallery of South Australia in 1984 to the History Trust of South Australia. The Migration Museum and South Australian Maritime Museum now manage the Historical Relics on behalf of the History Trust of South Australia.


  • Piece of Brick

    Piece of Brick

    Baked clay brick found on Kangaroo Island. 

  • Stanhope Press

    Stanhope Press

    The Stanhope press brought to Holdfast Bay in 1836 was used to print the Proclamation of South Australia. 

  • Paint Box

    Paint Box

    This paint box is believed to have belonged to soldier, public servant and explorer, Captain Charles Sturt.


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Michael Williams
Michael Williams
3 years ago

I am a visiting researcher trying to track down a valuable Imperial Calligraphy Board gifted by the Emperor of China to the City of Adelaide in 1889. I have been informed that it might be in your collection. I would be most grateful for clarification and even better an opportunity to view. Unfortunately I am only here till Friday. Regards, Michael Williams

Catherine Manning
Catherine Manning
3 years ago

Hi Michael,
Unfortunately I’ve just seen your message. The closet match to what you describe that I can find is this ‘proclamation’ – https://collections.history.sa.gov.au/nodes/view/37540
If this is not what you are looking for I would suggest getting in touch with the City of Adelaide Archives to see if the Calligraphy Board actually ended up with them – https://www.cityofadelaide.com.au/community/creativity-culture/city-arch
Best of luck with your search.