Leaning forward and shielding his eyes from the sun, this bronze figure of Sturt looks over Victoria Square, not the…
A remarkable and feisty South Australian attorney-general and premier, a father of federation and the first Australian Minster for Trade and…
Colonel William Light’s statue on Montefiore Hill pointing towards the centre of Adelaide has come to symbolise the city that…
The statue of inland explorer John McDouall Stuart at the corner of Victoria Square and Flinders Street, Adelaide, commemorates his place…
Creating and installing King Edward VII’s statute took eight months longer than the period of his reign
One of many around the world, this statue of Scottish poet Robert Burns was unveiled in 1894
A statue of Sir Samuel Way reflects his towering presence in legal, political and cultural circles in the last decades…
The sculpture of Elder is at the University of Adelaide, a major beneficiary of his philanthropy
The bronze figure of Sir Walter Watson Hughes by Francis Williamson stands on a massive block of red granite.
A startled Venus caused consternation as Adelaide’s first public statue in 1892
‘Street Art Poetry Project’ Location 3
‘The Apron’ by Karen Genoff
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Mark Niehus’ four-part series cemented his status as a prominent poet and artist in Adelaide.
Adelaide-born Lord Florey won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 for his part in making the infection-fighting penicillin available
A statue to honour Matthew Flinders, the first explorer to circumnavigate Australia, was a long time coming in Adelaide
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