Elder Park migrant hostel
Right in the centre of the city, Elder Park was a first stopping point for many new migrants arriving in…
Gepps Cross Migrant Hostel
At the time it operated, Gepps Cross hostel was called a ‘miniature suburb’. It was ‘purpose built’ using Nissen huts,…
Glenelg Migrant Hostel
Officially referred to as Glenelg North, the hostel off Warren Avenue had the advantage of being close to existing suburbs…
Mallala Migrant Hostel
A portion of the existing Royal Australian Air Force camp at Mallala was converted for migrant accommodation in 1950.
Rosewater Migrant Hostel
One of the worst migrant hostels in South Australia, Rosewater consisted of converted wool stores partitioned for accommodation.
Semaphore Migrant Hostel
Semaphore migrant hostel appears to have been home to young single men working in the area. Its proximity to the…
Smithfield Migrant Hostel
Smithfield, when the migrant hostel opened, was an isolated rural area. It took about an hour by train to get…
Willaston Migrant Hostel
Willaston migrant hostel, near Gawler, operated for two distinct periods, the first housing Displaced Persons, the second British migrants.
Woodside Migrant Hostel
About 26,000 Displaced Persons and assisted migrants passed through the ‘migrant camp’ at Woodside.
Woodville Migrant Hostel
Woodville appears to have offered a slightly higher standard of accommodation than most of the earlier migrant hostels.