HomeThings8 Australian Division A.I.F. Memorial

Dedication of the memorial 

This memorial is dedicated to a division of the Australian Army that was formed during World War Two to combat the rising threat of war from Japanese forces. They were part of the Allied Second Imperial Force, which was made up of volunteer infantry brigades and army units. The division was divided into four forces that was sent into the Asia-Pacific region in the early 1940s. Within a year or two of their deployment, many of its members were either killed in combat or captured as prisoners of war.

Plaque details 

First plaque

2/2 Reserve Motor Transport Company.

Formed at Wayville from D.O.M.F. 7.1.41. 

Overseas Singapore Malaya 2.4.41 – 30.11.45

Active Service Malaya Singapore 8.12.41 – 15.2.42

Unit served in Malaya Singapore Borneo Siam Burma Japan as Prisoners of War 15.2.41 – 15.8.45

Second plaque

8 Division Salvage Unit

Formed at Wayville 10.12.40

Trained Woodside 20.2.41 – 16.4.41

Alice Springs 25.4.41 – 28.7.41

Overseas Singapore Malaya 15.8.41 – 30.11.45

Active Service Malaya Singapore 8.12.41 – 15.2.42

Unite served in Singapore Malaya Borneo Siam Burma Japan as Prisoners of War 15.2.42 – 15.8.45

Third plaque

8 Division Ammunition Sub Park

Formed at Wayville 25.10.40

Trained Woodside 28.10.40 – 23.4.41

Alice Springs 24.4.41 – 23.9.41

Overseas Singapore Malaya 2.11.41 – 30.11.45

Escorted by HMAS Sydney on final voyage

Sunk 19.11.41

Active service Malaya Singapore 8.12.41 – 15.2.42

Unit served in Singapore Malaya Borneo Siam Burma Japan as Prisoners of War 15.2.42 – 15.8.45

Each plaque bears a royal crest and the words Par Oneri, meaning Equal to the task. 

Location of the memorial

This memorial forms part of the National War Memorial located on the corner of North Terrace and Kintore Avenue in the city of Adelaide.


The memorial was unveiled on the 8th of December 1995 by the Lord Mayor of Adelaide Mr. Henry J Ninio KOM. In attendance was Reverend Martin Bleby who dedicated the memorial, Mr. Mario Cattapan, the Deputy Commissioner of Veterans’ Affairs of SA and NT who addressed the attendants and Mr. John Bailey JP State President, Returned Services League of Australia (SA Branch) Inc.

Ex-Unit members, relatives and friends of the division erected the memorial.


Monument Australia, ‘8th Australian Division’, Accessed 2 August 2018.

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