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Dedication of the memorial

This memorial is dedicated to the men and women of South Australia who fought and died in France during World War One and World War Two. These battles included World War One conflict in the French town of Villers-Bretonneux and Dernancourt and World War Two battles where Australians were again called into battle through its allegiance with Great Britain, after Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Plaque Details

To honour the men and women of South Australia who gave their lives in France during World War I 1914 – 1918 and World War II 1939 – 1945

Additional plaques

The memorial carries two additional plaques, one on either side of the memorial. On one plaque are the following words:ย 

1914 – 1918

Fromellesย  ย  ย  ย  Bullecourt
Hamelย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย Villers Bretonneux
Dernancourtย  ย  Peronne
Messinesย  ย  ย  ย  ย Mont St. Quentin
Pozieresย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Bellicourt

And on the other:

1939 – 1945

Navy, Army,
Air Force

Fighter and Bomber Command

Location of the memorial

This memorial forms part of the National War Memorial located on the corner of North Terrace and Kintore Avenue in the city of Adelaide.


This monument was unveiled by Isabelle Costa De Beauregard K.O.M. Consul General Of France and Henry Jean Loustau Cmdr. L.H. President Federation Nationale Des Anciens Combattants 11 November 1993.

Erected by the French Community And The Federation Des Anciens Combattants Francais Of South Australia. William J. Corneloup K.L.H., M.M. Honorary Consul of France.


Cameron, B, ‘Remembering Dernancourt 100 years after the French World War I battle’, The Advertiser, 28 March 2018.

McMullin, R, ‘Why a French Town never forgets us’, The Age, 25 April 2008,ย Accessed 2 August 2018.

Monument Australia, ‘French Service Memorial’, Accessed 2 August 2018.

State Library of South Australia, ‘Military Resources: World War II’, 31 July 2018,ย Accessed 2 August 2018.

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