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Hossein Valamenesh reworked existing bricks and space in order to create this inlaid piece. Commissioned by the University of Adelaide Works of Art Committee in 1987 and titled Target Practice, this geometric installation is about our desire to reach our goals and objectives.

According to Valamanesh, this process requires a number of elements: โ€œfinding the direction, energy and tension to go ahead and then [hitting] the target.โ€

The university campus therefore seems to be a fitting location for this work, which commemorates David Saunders, Professor of Architecture, 1977-1986. Target Practice, like many of Valamaneshโ€™s other works, is concerned with the environment:

โ€œThis part in two colours represents the two aspects of our life, material and spiritual, body and soul, like earth and water. The aim is to develop both with the centre of the target being the waterโ€ฆ The arrow does not point to any particular direction other than the centre of the targetโ€ฆ Pedestrians walking over the work become part of it and the work is part of the environment.โ€

Born in Iran, Valamanesh trained in fine art in Tehran before arriving in Australia in 1973 to study at the South Australian School of Art. His work has featured in solo and group exhibitions in all Australian states. He is best known for public art commissions, which are often collaborative projects. 14 Pieces, which is located at the front of the South Australian Museum on North Terrace (where it is much easier to spot than Target Practice!), is the result of a collaboration with Hosseinโ€™s wife, Angela.


By Catherine Barron, History Trust of South Australia

Uploaded 9 December 2018

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Catherine Barron, History Trust of South Australia, ‘Target Practice’, SA History Hub, History Trust of South Australia, https://sahistoryhub.history.sa.gov.au/things/target-practice/


Carter, Paul,ย Hossein Valamanesh.ย Sydney: Craftsman House, 1996.

City of Adelaide Public Art Database, ‘Target Practice‘, accessed 27 September 2018.

Knights, Mary,ย Hossein Valamanesh: out of nothingness.ย Adelaide: Wakefield Press, 2011.

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