This entry was written by children for children as part of the 'Touchstones Tour' created by students from the South Australian School for Vision Impaired. For a more detailed history, please see the related entries.
The University of Adelaide is a commanding presence on North Terrace. It began in 1874 when South Australia was less than 40 years old, with a population of about 200,000 people. The most significant precinct or group of buildings on the University of Adelaide campus includes the stone buildings around Goodman Crescent. Find all the places the SASVI students discovered and share their observations:
There is a big tree surrounded in water. There is also a lovely place to sit down with a wonderful place to eat. But you can bring some food. Also it’s a university. The university is called children’s university. There’s an awesome statue with a sign. The sign says Confucius, Kong Zi or Kong Que (551-479 BCE) Chinese thinker, educator and founder Confucianiam donated by The Chinese Confucius Foundation and Chinese Tradition Promotion Committee to The University of Adelaide (2008). It is significant because he is the teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher. - Joshua
Isaiah and Jackline explored the Morton Bay Fig:
- Estimated it to be between 20m and 30 m tall
- Enjoyed the rustling and crunching of the leaves
- Climbed on its massive roots
- Found it gives lots of shade.
What did you discover?
Jez discovered a piano sculpture and noticed the following:
- It is made of metal
- It has no keys
- It can make sounds when you tap it
- It echoes if you speak under it
What did you discover?
Sir Thomas Elder statue (1903)
Gifted to the University by public subscription upon Elder’s death, this bronze sculpture outside Elder Hall stands in honour of the university’s most generous benefactor. Elder’s gifts totaled around £100,000 – a staggering amount in the 1800s – helping to create academic positions in science, medicine and mathematics and establishing the Elder Conservatorium of Music.
Jordy explored the statue of Sir Thomas Elder and discovered:
- The tactile images echo when you tap
- It is made of stone
- The statue creates shade
- You can use the statue as a sundial
What did you discover?
The most significant precinct or group of buildings on the University campus includes the stone buildings around Goodman Crescent.
Kelly climbed the steps to Bonython Hall. She discovered:
- The walls on the side of the steps echo when you talk into them and act like a loud speaker.
- The walls are concrete and the doors are wooden
- There are pyramid shaped tactile markings on the doors
- There are metal handrails
What did you discover?
Can you find Maddie’s Enchanted Garden Pathway? Here are her clues:
- Opposite the end of Pultney Street and Rundle Mall
- Shrubs on one side
- Plants on the other side
- Tree that drapes over with prickly parts
- Shaded path
- Smooth tiles
What did you discover?
If you explore a little further, behind the Mitchell Building and Elder Hall, can you find Wills Court?
For more information about the history of University of Adelaide, click here!
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