HomePlacesDivett Street

The Port’s dirt roads and low lying ground gave rise to two nick-names depending on the weather—Mudholia when wet, Dustholia when dry. This photo of Divett Street in ‘Mudholia’ was taken in the early 20th century before council paved the roads with woodblocks.


By Adam Paterson, South Australian Maritime Museum

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Adam Paterson, South Australian Maritime Museum, ‘Divett Street’, SA History Hub, History Trust of South Australia, https://sahistoryhub.history.sa.gov.au/places/divett-street/

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8 years ago

Hi I now live in the building Divett chambers. Built in 1881. My parents own it, and I would like to know more about the history of the place. What this building was used for. All I can find is that it was the first advertiser. I’m sure there is more to it. I have been told that back in the 70s possibly welfare…. then someone else said Australasian bank???? Please if u can help in anyway of finding out the exact history of the place much appreciated.

Catherine Manning
Catherine Manning
8 years ago
Reply to  Amy

Hi Amy,
I’ll pass on your enquiry to the curators at the SA Maritime Museum who know much more about it than me.