William Ranson Mortlock was born in about 1821 at Moat House, Melbourn, Cambridgeshire, England, the son of William Mortlock and…
William Randell was born on 2nd May l824 at Sidbury, Devon, England, the son of William Beavis Randell and his…
The life of William Worsley, colonial composer, bandmaster and musician.
Abraham Tobias Boas
Adelaide Laetitia Miethke, OBE
Adolf John Schulz
1st Earl of Gowrie and one time Governor of South Australia
Andrew Tennant (1835–1913) was the son of a Scottish shepherd who had come to South Australia as an assisted migrant […]
German-born Augusta Zadow was South Australia’s first female inspector of factories when appointed in February 1895, charged with inspecting the working conditions of women and children and overseeing their safety under the new 1894 Factories Act. She was a founding member of the Working Women’s Trade Union and a United Trades and Labor Council delegate. She worked tirelessly for the needy, establishing the Distressed Women and Children’s Fund during the early 1890s depression. A leading member of the Women’s Suffrage League, her public talks in support of female franchise played a significant role in assisting South Australia to become the first Australian colony to grant women’s suffrage in 1894.
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